Professional Development
Are you an administrator looking for effective professional development to support your teachers and paraprofessionals? We offer both in-person or remote sessions tailored to your district's goals. Want to learn more? Contact us
We provide professional development services in the following areas
Classroom management strategies to prevent unwanted behaviors.
Tactics for managing and reacting to challenging behaviors.
Research-based interventions to increase appropriate behavior and decrease unwanted behavior.
Science-based instructional practices, discrete trials, and interventions for teachers.
Behavior management and data collection strategies for paraprofessionals.
Functional Communication Training, Verbal Behavior, and Language Development for teachers.
Individualized and class-wide reinforcement systems.
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (ABC) analysis to understand behavior.
Self-contained classroom visions based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis for administrators.
Assessments for the Applied Behavior Analysis classroom (including the ABLLS-R and VB-MAPP).
Data collection and analysis for teachers.
Consulting Services
Do you need collaborative and efficient behavioral analytic services to help with academic and behavioral needs? "We conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) where we can better understand the function or purpose of those adopted behaviors. Want to learn more? Contact us
Our consulting services include:
Assessment of the individual child to understand why certain behaviors are happening.
Assessment of the classroom, school, or district programs as it relates to the state educational standards.
Instructional practices and student engagement.
Classroom management strategies & Reinforcement Systems.
Self-Management and Student Independence.
Data Collection and Analysis of Interventions.
Recommendations of Behavioral Strategies.

Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA's)
Do you have students with challenging behaviors? Do you have students who need behavioral plans? We can help figure out why those behaviors are happening. We conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) where we can better understand the function or purpose of those adopted behaviors. Want to learn more? Contact us
This includes:
Observations to see behavioral patterns within the classroom environment.
Conducting indirect assessment(s) such as questionnaires and interviews to gather insight on behavior(s).
A comprehensive FBA report that analyzes all collected data and provides a hypothesized function of behavior.
Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP’s)
Based on the results from the FBA, we provide guidance in developing a Behavioral Intervention Plan. Want to learn more? Contact us
This includes:
Describing the target behavior to ensure accurate data collection.
Function of Behavior.
Preventative Strategies.
Teaching Strategies to Increase Replacement Behaviors.
Reactive Strategies and How to Manage the Behavior(s).
Data Collection, Progress Monitoring, and Review.